Bread baking in my oven.
Fresh cut hay, fire and old books and my best friends perfume. They are all a tie
Coffee :3 It smells so good!
I like the smell of Cigarettes. I know it's bad for you, I just REALLY like it.
Men's Cologne *^^*
Fresh bread baking. Cinnamon. Chocolate chip cookies. Lastly, my son's cologne - it's so weird he's old enough to smell all pretty for the ladies!
If I close my eyes and concentrate really hard, I can smell my grand mothers house. The slight odor of Ben Gay, moth balls and weinersnitchel cooking in the kitchen. That sounds kind of stanky but it just warms me all over with the memories of the safe and content feelings I always had there.
I'll add a vote for fresh baked bread.
My school was just down the road from a baker's and every morning I walked past that shop and savoured that aroma. That was in the 1940s and I can still remember it.
The smell of the earth after a good rain.
And the smell of salt air.
Puppy breath, flowers, laundry drying in the sun
The sudden smell of sweet grass goes directly the the nostalgic spot in my brain and spreads happiness
Extremely tough question. I'd say probably the smell of fresh pine, or blooming linden.
The smell of a newly wall-papered room, which I haven't smelt in years. Well, my dad was a painter /paper hanger by trade. Maybe wall-papering is a dying art, so not everybody knows this aroma. The scent of the wallpaper paste seems so first-day-of school like and definitely smells like a fresh start.
The smell of butter in a pan comes in as a close second: I could fry liver in a pan that has butter in it, and the kids thought I was making pancakes!! I have a really good liver recipe BTW that invloves cutting really thin slices and letting them sit in milk for ½ an hour before you dry them and they hit the pan for 2 min. With salt and pepper.
Oct nov. In Texas all the leaves, pumpkins at the stores, all that smells great.