What was your favorite episode or episodes of Twilight Zone ? Hosted by Rod Serling.


8 Answers

Sheldon  Cooper Profile
Sheldon Cooper answered

Terror at 38,000 feet

And the one where the astronaut finds a tiny society of little people on some other planet ..

Oh.. And the one with the women who's taking care of her uncle , and he dies but she can remain in the home as long as the robot he built is taking care of by her , and the robot acts like

The uncle... 

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

The one I remember the most is The Eye of the Beholder. A young lady is on the operating table with her head bandaged undergoing the last surgery allowed to make her look "normal". After the surgery, they take her bandages off to reveal a beautiful woman. Everyone gasps at, what they call, her ugliness. Only when you see the faces of the doctors and nurses do you realize what's going on.

Moga Deet Profile
Moga Deet answered

I like "Willoughby".  A man on his daily commute wakes up to find that the train has stopped in a idyllic small town where it appears to be 1890-ish.

That show, "Outer Limits" too, did such a good job of making you care about characters that you only spend 30 minutes with.

I also like the one with William Shatner where a couple in a diner start to play with a game that has a devil head on it and claims to be able to predict the future.

Tinkerbell St. Basil Profile

My favorite episode is a Christmas classic called Night of the Meek. Art Carney plays Santa at a local store and drinks to imagine a better world where he really IS Santa!

dragonfly forty-six Profile

I have a few. Never knew the names of the episodes.

It's the one where the old married couple gather up their life savings to buy new bodies. They only have enough for one body. So the gentleman goes in for surgery at the encouragement of his wife. He comes out young and vibrant while his wife is still old. He is happy and pain free! Finally he realizes that he won't have his beloved for long so for love he changes back.

I also like the one where the old man will sell you what you "need".

My daughter's favorite is the one where the children escape to a loving place through their backyard pool after finding out about their parents divorce.

otis otiscambell Profile

To serve man.  And william shatner seeing the monsteroutside. The airplane window tearing up the plane and he goes to the mental hospital

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

I always remember the one with the meek bank teller who sneaks down into the vault to read during lunch  - atomic destruction - no one left - he is depressed - then finds library and all the books - he is happy - he sorts and stacks and organizes all the books - then he drops and steps on, destroying, his only pair of glasses.

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