Has anyone seen the Trans Siberian Orchestra? I saw the Christmas show last night and I've seen Beethoven's Last Night. I preferred Beethoven's Last Night.Has anyone else seen these shows? Do you have a preference? They are amazing btw!


2 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

I have always wanted to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra in person but I could never afford the tickets. I love their music! I'm jealous now, lol.

3 People thanked the writer.
John Doe
John Doe commented
I saw the Beethoven show and it was amazing! Christmas one is as well. Idk how much your tickets are there, but well worth it. Nothing like it live!
Corey The Goofyhawk
A year or two ago, they came to North Carolina and my wife and really wanted to go but the tickets were around $120ish a peice. We weren't financially secure enough to pull that off, lol. One day though!!
John Doe
John Doe commented
Holy crap! Check again Corey....Times have changed, our tickets were around $45.00!

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