Is it ok to watch something above my age group? Like adult swim even though I'm only a teen? Or does it depend on the person


5 Answers

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

It depends on the individual AND what they are watching

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

"Adult" swim just means the adult age category for swimmers.  It's not porn.  Lol 

4 People thanked the writer.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
I skipped this question for that reason.
It made me think of the 6 year old who asks,"Mom, where did I come from/".

After the biology lesson, the kid says no, mom---I meant from New York or Philadelphia?.
Jaimie  JT Profile
Jaimie JT answered

Lol :) this question made me smile cos I'm not sure if you're talking about competitive swim or something I'm out of the loop on cos I'm a boring adult now 😡 If the theme music isn't " bow chica wow woooow " I think you're good to go ;)

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

If you go to adult swim's website, it says in their term of use that you must be 18 to view their site. And saying you are a teen leaves a huge gap. It is not ok for a 13 year old, but I wouldn't get too upset over a 17 year old seeing it.

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