All the new Batman movies😝.
What's a movie you've seen that you feel was a complete waste of almost 2 hours of your life ? Mine is wicker man answer from@ didge about terminator 2 inspired this question :p
Movies like The Avengers and Hulk and Spider-Man! Not my kinda thing!
Star Wars episode 1. That stinkin' Jar Jar Binks just ruined the whole movie for me. Annoying being with a super annoying voice.
I agree with Wicker Man....
The Village
Blair witch project
District 9
Into The Woods....actually turned that one off
Dances with Wolves.....long and boring.
The Thin Red Line.......nothing like the book,,,,boring.
I know - I can hear the protest already, but "Steel Magnolias" was almost painful to sit thru.
I did see part of Never Say Never 😄 it's a complete waste of time
The worst movie i have watched in my life so far!
I dont go to the theatres too much but spiderman sux i wanted my money back
Rubber. It's on netflix and is one of the dumbest movies I've ever sat through. Annebelle and Ouija were horrible movies too.