My dog tugged on a toddler's pants so that the kid wouldn't fall into the water. Kid fell backwards on his butt.
When my daughter was 2 we had just moved into a home where she could play in the backyard. We were just about ready to put her back in a baby pool we put out there but the dog kept barking and barking and barking at it. I told my sister "Look at Sasha!!! She's so dumb she is barking at nothing!" But she was acting like she was barking at something so I went to go look at what she was barking at.... There was a hidden black widow under the rim of the baby pool..... I appologized to her for what I said and never questioned her barking again. To me that is the smartest thing I've ever personally seen an animal do.
My dog rings a bell by the front door when she has to go out.
When I was a kid, my horse would walk herself into the barn and pull the door shut behind her.
Help and care for another species.