Riddle: What Goes Up But Never Comes Down?


30 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
The answer to the famous riddle 'what goes up but never comes down?' is 'your age'. A person's age is something that will always increase (go up) and will never decrease (go down). There are many alternative answers to this riddle, but 'your age' is the classic retort. As one of the oldest and most famous riddles quoted, the answer is not as much of a puzzle as many riddles answers are.

A riddle is typically defined as a statement that has a double veiled meaning that needs to be solved as a puzzle. There are two main categories of riddles - enigmas and conundrums. The former, enigmas, are problems that are normally expressed using metaphorical and allegorical language. These enigmas need to be thought about careful and require a reasonable amount of ingenuity to figure out. In comparison, conundrums are questions that are based around puns in either the question or the answer. The riddle 'what goes up but never comes down?' is an example of a conundrum. The question relies on the pun that is referring to something going up or down. Typically this is an action that is associated to an object but in fact the answer is nothing solid. This could also be considered as an enigmas as it requires some careful consideration and thinking to try and calculate the answer. Riddles are commonly used in games and in more contemporary humour. For example, the question 'What's brown and sticky?' comes with the punch line 'A stick.'.

The Open Directory Project (available at http://www.dmoz.org/Games/Puzzles/Brain_Teasers/Riddles/) has a whole database of websites that contain a number of different riddles. While some have answers, the others are left open for readers to try and solve on their own. Riddles, puzzle and brainteasers can be solved by all ages and can be used as quick and simple entertainment that requires a bit of brain power.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your age! I have heard that one many times before
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You age
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your age
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
... It can't be gas or air. It doesn't keep going up and never coming down, it reaches its limits in space. Why would you respond rudely and then do so with a wrong answer. Helium in the atmosphere? Uhh, doesn't keep climbing, sorry.

Age is the accepted answer.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Everyone says your age but what about helium? Or any of the other thousands of gasses that are lighter than air?...idiots
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is age. I know some people make stories that have things in it that make the characters younger, but in real life, it is age. Can you be 8 years old one year, and then, on your birthday, suddenly turn 7 again? NO WAY! SOOOOOOOOO SIMPLE!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I told that to some kids in my school and they have bin stumped since lunch I hope they don't find this site. They have bin trying to kill me.        And yes of course it is your age
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is a candle the flame goes down and never comes back up yes you will light it again but it would be a different flame so a candle DUH!!! :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Air/Gas/Age it could be either of them and don't be rude in these kind of websites
Thank you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I thought it was clouds because clouds r from gas and water and junk and they don't come bak down just the rain and snow they carry

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