
What Is Paris Hilton's BB (BlackBerry) PIN?


7 Answers

Robin Burden Profile
Robin Burden answered
Paris Hilton hasn't made her BB PIN number ID available to the public, and in fact there's nothing to suggest she's even using a BlackBerry device as her personal cell phone at the moment.

What's Paris Hilton's BB pin?
A BB pin is a hexadecimal number a BlackBerry user is assigned as a unique identification code.

When using applications like BlackBerry Messenger, users need to know the PIN number ID of people they want to connect with, in order to be able to send them messages.

As Paris Hilton is one of the most in-demand celebrities around (nightclubs even pay her thousands of dollars just to show up at their events), it's not likely that she gives out her personal details to every fan who's looking for it.

If that doesn't discourage you from looking for Paris Hilton's BB PIN number, then perhaps the fact that she might not even use a BlackBerry device might put you off.

Although she's been filmed using a BlackBerry phone on her TV show The Simple Life, Miss Hilton has also been pictured with several android phones (here and here).

Paris Hilton is also known to go through phones like Charlie Sheen goes through pornstar-girlfriends. In fact, Hello! magazine recently ran an article about how she loses her phones constantly, and The Independent published a piece about the star's two missing iPhones.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
BB pin : 26294964
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I have it but, as I am a good friend of hers, I'm not going to blurt it out on here, sorry fans! Oh, and by the way, none of the ones that have been posted on here are hers - so don't add them!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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