
When The Day After Tomorrow Is Yesterday, Today Will Be As Far From Wednesday As Today Was From Wednesday When The Day Before Yesterday Was Tomorrow. What Is The Day After This Day?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered


Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Let's just say that today is actually Saturday,  and that the day after tomorrow is yesterday.  That would mean that yesterday is Friday and tomorrow would be Thursday and today would be Wednesday.  Now if the day before Yesterday (Friday) is Tomorrow (Thursday), then what is the day after this day; (Tomorrow/Thursday)... The answer is (YESTERDAY!!!)  :-))
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Also want to say that Wednesday Just a confusing part of the question that they could of just said X as Wednesday. The real question is what is the day after tomorrow. Which the answer is given in the first sentence of the question. The day after tomorrow is yesterday and the day before yesterday is tomorrow. The day after X is Y, so the day before Y is X. So what is the day after X. Y!!! Hope this explanation helps even more. :))
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey, its simple....its clear today is Wednesday then the day after Wednesday is what...its the answer Thursday!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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