He wear's dc
Da store or on ebay duh!!!
Mostly from the supra and vans companies yes somtimes lids and from factory 314
I think on his fan website he sells ditto objects, clothing, ect. Yeah I'm a big fan
Umm. Actually, I have never sent him any hat whatsoever. I would like to know who told you this, because its false. Can you please remove that post ?
You go to and find the hat then you customize it and write bieber and the font is hobo lower cased and I no it for shure , because I bought one for me that says beadles and for my friend that said bieber(:
Well his frend Kacey Gilpatric always sends him new hats...look her up on facebook n ask.
You can whether go to yer local mall or go to a lids store or buy one on his store website.
You get the hats like mine at the quicksilver shop in canada were I live in vancouver :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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