
I've Been Told That Billie Joe From Green Day Is Bi Sexual Is That True?


20 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do you realize he puts hes interested in it, not that he acts upon it?

Who cares if he is or not, does it change the music? No.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In an interview with The Advocate magazine (1999) Billie Joe stated:
"I think I've always been bisexual. I mean, it's something that I've always been interested in. I think people are born bisexual, and it's just that our parents and society kind of veer us off into this feeling of 'Oh, I can't.' They say it's taboo. It's ingrained in our heads that it's bad, when it's not bad at all. It's a very beautiful thing."
He has also stated that the song, "Coming Clean" is about coming out and did an interview with Instinct magazine (2004) speaking about homosexuality. He is married,has kids and is bisexual.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, he is bisexual by his own admission.   He admitted having feeling for men while being married to his wife Adrienne.  Who can blame him for being attracted to men.  She is absolutely the ugliest woman alive.  Who knows, maybe he thought he was marrying a man when he married her.  He has also been known to kiss men at his concerts.  He definitely is bisexual, no one can dispute it.  He admitted it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Billie has admitted many times to being bisexual.  In the Advocate some years back and most recently in Out Magazine.  I often wonder if his wife is too.  She looks incredibly butch and manly, so it is very possible that she is too.  Also Billie has hinted to having an "open marriage" in interviews.  It's definitely a possibility because why else would a woman stay with a man who admits to having feelings for men he's married to her?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes he is bisexual by his own admission.  There are a lot of rumors that his wife is as well, although there is has been nothing written officially admitting to that on her part the way Billie admitted it in interviews.  It would certainly make sense as to why she doesn't mind him openly admitting he is attracted to men and doesn't have a problem with him openly kissing men and talking about it.  It also explains why he is with her - she is so completely butch - she looks like a man.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Billie Joe is bisexual and I have heard the rumor that his wife is as well.  When they were on tour in Australia Billie Joe attended a Lesbian Mud Wrestling Event.  (You can look up the interview - it's all true.)   Rumors have it that he attended this event because Adrienne was competing.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
That stunt is a Great way to encourage people to slag her off.......don' t they know are care??? I think is is cheap.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I do not care.  Personally, I think it is irrelevant to his work as a musician and I feel that no one should explain themselves to anyone and I do not care whether or not he is bi or both him and his wife is bi because I don't care.  Sex and sexual orientiation is not important and you do not need to be bi to to accept or tolerate two guys kissing because I am straight and it really turns me on.
caroline Profile
caroline answered
I'm pretty sure he's married, although I suppose that doesn't mean he isn't. But I've never heard he is
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
After the release of American Idiot, Billie Joe, as a stunt more or less, said that he was bi-sexual. He did this just to mix things up with the fans and to make him seem more interesting. It's not true.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't understand why people are mentioning that he was/is married with kids. That has nothing to do with him being bi. Him being bi is himself as he always has been. It doesn't depend on whether he's married or not.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
HE IS NOT BISEXUAL, he thinks that Everyone is BISEXUAL!
He's married with 2 kids < joseph marciano and jakob danger>
he has a beautiful wife named adrienne!
thanked the writer.
harms pool
harms pool commented
His wife is ugly
Anonymous commented
His wife is not ugly. She is really really pretty. If you saw MY face you would know what ugly is!!!!! You need to think of a better insult than that!!!! She looks as though she could have been a model if she was at the right height. She makes me feel insecure, crappy about myself and I am not a patch on her. I also resent the fact that she think or is some sort of celebrity while not actually doing anything to back up the status other than being married to Billie.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Okay well you say you have been told that he is bi sexual but thats hearsay and it could possibly be rumors.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, he is bisexual....and if your saw his butch wife Adrienne you would totally understand why Billie Joe is attracted to men.  She is an absolute monster.
Karen Profile
Karen answered
Well, I saw him with his family strolling down Chartres Street in New Orleans and trust me, he ain't no queer. If he were, would it matter. Just go buy the music and jam!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Billie Joe has not only stated he was bisexual in The Advocate but he was also just interviewed by Out Magazine where he admitted the same thing.   So I would say yes, he is - by his own admission.   And if you saw the woman he was married to you wouldn't blame him for being attracted to men.  She looks like Medusa and would turn you to stone if you stared at her too long.  She is also so fat she looks like she would crush poor little Billie to death.  You really can't blame him for going for men when he is married to that monster.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes he is bisexual.  He has admitted it many times.  And judging by the beast that he is married to can you blame him for turning to men.  She looks like Medusa.  No wonder he is attracted to men.

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