
How Can I Download Storm Over Paradise Theme Song?


1 Answers

Hannah Barton Profile
Hannah Barton answered
You can download the Storm Over Paradise theme tune from most legal downloading sites, such as iTunes or Spotify. You just have to search for Storm Over Paradise or Tormenta en el Paraiso theme tune and it will be available to download.
To download music, you must have an account with the provider that you are downloading from.

The theme song is very popular as a download and has been used on adverts in Mexico since the use on the soap opera. Storm Over Paradise is a Mexican soap opera that was originally aired in the United States in 2007 and 2008. The name for the show in Spanish is Tormenta en el Paraiso and was hugely popular in Mexico. It has been aired in many countries around the world since it began.

The plot of the soap differs from many American run of the mill soap operas as it has a history built into the plot. It is based around the ancient legend that there was a priest in Mexico called Ahzac back in 1519. He found that his daughter was dating a white man and condemned her and two pearls, one black, one white, as a sacrifice. As this sacrificing of his daughter failed, Ahzac was so angry that he threw the pearls into the sea. He put a curse on the black pearl so that anyone that comes into contact with it will never know what happiness truly is. The pearls lay on the sea bed until 1987.

In 1987 these are then found by investigators and the soap opera begins around the lives of those that have come into contact with the pearl. There were 185 episodes of Storm Over Paradise aired across the globe.

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