Robbie the Pict, who was born Brian Robertson but changed his name by deed poll in 1984, declared the independent state of Pictland in 1977. The territory of the Pictish Free State, which now extends over 1000 acres, is located on the island of Skye, on land claimed by the United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom does not recognise the Pictish Free State, and Robbie the Pict does not recognise the right of the United Kingdom government to impose its will on him. Robbie the Pict has been prosecuted more than two hundred times for breach of the United Kingdom's laws. He claims to have diplomatic status, as a representative of the Pictish Free State, and but British authorities do not appear to take seriously his claims of diplomatic immunity from prosecution.
Robbie the Pict is a former member of the RAF and was convicted of involvement in the manufacture of illegal drugs in the 1970s.
The United Kingdom does not recognise the Pictish Free State, and Robbie the Pict does not recognise the right of the United Kingdom government to impose its will on him. Robbie the Pict has been prosecuted more than two hundred times for breach of the United Kingdom's laws. He claims to have diplomatic status, as a representative of the Pictish Free State, and but British authorities do not appear to take seriously his claims of diplomatic immunity from prosecution.
Robbie the Pict is a former member of the RAF and was convicted of involvement in the manufacture of illegal drugs in the 1970s.