
What is Nathan Kress's cell phone number?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Call this number 321-4422 ok that's really his number ok so call that number
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I know his number it is 2092083227. But I wouldn't bother him. I tried. He wasn't so happy

beshanna vernet Profile
beshanna vernet answered

What is wrong with you people today?  It's the 21st Centuary!  (dont mind my spelling) It's not like he's going to give out his phone #DUH DOY

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Being a crazy fan of the Nathan Kress, I often visit this source to get more and more info about him. Here are online writing services for your help in education. I have watched every single of his acting performance as he is very cute and his acting skills are awesome.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
678-900-4536-!!!!psych I don't know cause I am trying to get it!!!my lil sis has a BIG CRUSH on him I am trying to get  the number but I can't find it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I hav no idea and don't be a stalker the guy has a life and doesnt want 2 b bothered
Mohammad Hanif Profile
Mohammad Hanif answered
I am nathan kresses friend and I know it and I aint tellin hint I'm a actor I work in icarly and I am a girl

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