
Is Nancy Kerrigan a homewrecker?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

People say Nancy Kerrigan is a home wrecker because she started a relationship with her agent while he was still married.

He ended up divorcing his wife to be with Nancy, which is why she is regarded in this light.

But I personally don't think it's fair. A relationship takes two people, and if the guy is straying, then the relationship is already dead.

Nancy didn't trick her agent or force him to fall in love with her, they simply spent a lot of time together on the road and at the Olympics, and that developed into a romance.

Also, I feel for Nancy Kerrigan because of all she's been through.

Did you know a rival skater hired a hitman to attack her earlier in her career. He hit her knee with a club, trying to damage her chances of competing at the Olympics. She came through stronger than ever, and won silver!

I know her relationship didn't begin in an ideal situations, but calling her a home wrecker sounds harsh to me. I look up to her for her determination and amazing skating, and don't worry too much about the rest personally.

She also had more anguish in her life when her dad died after getting into a fight with his own son.

Nancy's brother was jailed for manslaughter, even though their dad had a pre-existing heart condition. So much anguish in her life.. Why give her more heartache by labeling her in such a negative way?

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