What's the best movie you ever bought that made you happy?


7 Answers

Soul Fly Profile
Soul Fly answered

When I saw this question I went to go look at my collection and the first movie that stood out to me was Uncle Buck. A feel good movie from the 80's starring John Candy. It was funny the way funny was funny back then and it still cracks me up to this day. If you haven't seen it I hope you check it out.

But my all time favorite is the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie (1990). I've always owned a copy of it since I was a kid.

Roy Lovett Profile
Roy Lovett answered

Trigun Badlands Rumble!

Dakota  Mackenzie Profile

I am a very proud owner of Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. :)

I also love having Stay Alive and Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World :D

Oh! Shaun of the Dead, as well :)

Skittles Shamrock Profile
Skittles Shamrock , The movie I was proud to buy was, answered

Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.? It's such a good movie Bette Davis and Joan Crawford have such good wonderful performences in it.

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

I recently bought Grease which makes me feel happy when I watch it. I like old films really, like Beetlejuice, and stuff that reminds me of my childhood, like the Princess Bride.

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