What movie title describes your current s-e-x life?


13 Answers

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

All Quiet on the Western Front

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

No Where To Be Found.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Once Upon a Time

Jaimie  JT Profile
Jaimie JT answered

- girl interrupted

- fast and the furious

- home alone :O

- dude where's my car ?

One or some or none of these may be applicable , I don't feel like revealing details of my s-e-x life tonight... If i'd had some wine and read this question though ... :)

 oh edit !!! Also ......

Something borrowed ( if Danae see's this she will get it  cos I said so :p ) 

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Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT commented
Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch commented
Something borrowed....or someONE borrowed.....?
Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT commented
Well no ...because that's not a title of a movie and since I only get him for one Sunday I can't get emotionally invested. Sooooo I'm going to have to objectify him :p
Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

I was about to give a tongue in cheek answer and I first did an internet search to check whether the phrase "scorpio rising" was actually a movie.  (I first became aware of the phrase "scorpio rising" in the tag line for a Playboy cartoon many years ago.) 

It was, but I had never seen it; and it turns out that it was an a experimental film in which "an army of gay Nazi bikers experience pain and pleasure as sexual and sadistic symbols are intercut."

So my answer becomes: "Any film that is diametrically opposed to the subject matter of the film Scorpio Rising."

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