Led zeppelin or pink floyd or both
I've seen some amazing live performances ... Elton John, fleetwood Mac , Alice cooper , G&R and Metallica are my favourites so far :) I saw Rod Stewart live aswell not my favourite but I got to see woman throw their undies up on stage which was a trip cos I thought that was a thing of the past:) ... Any way , I'd like to see Kayne West live cos I hear he puts on an amazing show and I like his music .. DON'T JUDGE ME KANYE HATERS !!! Cos I said so :p
I would have to say Pink Floyd because I've never seen them and I heard they have an excellent light show to go with the great music.
Beyoncé. Cuz.
Current bands.....Metallica is the only one I think I'd care to see.
Led Zepplin, Janis, The Doors.....all ones that would be amazing, alas....
Paul McCartney! I check out the prices for his upcoming concert in Washington DC ... YIKES. I love his music, but I'm not going to pay that much to go to a concert. (I saw the Beatles perform live in the 60's and the most expensive seats were $5.50 ... Lol)
Last night I just received my tickets for The Who. They are an anniversary present from my best friend. I will see them on the the 25th of this month. I hear they are amazing live, I can't wait!
Journey with Steve Perry.
The only band that i live with, breath with and listen to and i'd go to visit them anytime would be
♥ ------- > L i N k I n P a R k <-------- ♥
New cover of Rock Sound magazine related to the process of their new album! Heck i'm excited!! They were in their 20's when i known them, now they're into 30's and 40's and they are still great! They'll always be! No matter what,anything from their mind, hands,humor and talent is valuable to me.