Cheetah and I are so much alike that I sometimes wonder if my father ever met his mother. >:-/
Some of my friends say I kinda look like the Japanese actress Satomi Ishihara (look her up if you don't know her!) She's really pretty and talented, so I take it as a compliment, haha! :D
I was told I look like her...
I AM a celebrity. I know Hippy is waiting for my call. I just can't help stringing him along. ......💋
I look like Bob Seger in this picture, except gray hair instead of blonde.
I was starting to get grey hairs in my late 20's . . . Surprised I don't have Steve Martin's hair.
I have had several people tell I look like Vincent D'Onofrio
I was told I looked like Demi Moore as a child. As of now I have no idea
I don't have a beard right now and my hair isn't quite that long but I look a lot like Tommy Chong ! Tommy Chong for President !
When I was younger, I was told I looked like Annette Funicello.Â
Back in the early 70's, lots of people thought I looked like Sandy Duncan. The funny thing is that I was working at the bank that featured her in their commercials.
I look like mr potatoe head lol
I don't look like any celebrity.