Are you a good singer?


14 Answers

Jaimie  JT Profile
Jaimie JT answered

Yeah ....when I go to kareoke bars or just sing infront of the mirror into my hairbrush I sound awesome! The wine I've had on those nights could be affecting  my hearing though...nah , I'm probably just awesome then. Exept I'm not sure if the word I want to use is affecting or effecting...those two words are confusing.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Megan Goodgirl,

You could say that I make a joyful noise.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Oh heck no!!!! If I sing then cats start screeching and dogs start howling in pain! Now dancing is another story.

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

yes i have my own audience also motormouth kitty and earnst t bass so im a great singer.  Lol

Woof Woofy Profile
Woof Woofy answered

Nooo. i sound like dying cats. 

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

I've never received a physical threat, but I have occasionally gotten a dirty look.

(Not really, but I am fully aware of my lack of talent in that area.)

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

All modesty aside, yes. I love to sing and have a good voice. When I was younger, I had several solos in the high school and then college choirs. I sing now to my kitties and mostly put them to sleep! But since they are 17 and 13 years old, all they do is sleep anyway.

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