It's hard to tell exactly what you need, but if it were me, I would look under "Jazz Noir" or " Jazz Detective" in YouTube. Here's one that may help and if not, there's plenty around that area which may work . Good luck.
Can you please recommend me some good jazz soundtracks which you think could be used in films in the scene of murder?
Jazz is one of the few genres .. Genres is a word ? Yeah it is ...I forget what I was saying ... Oh ! Im not into that type of music :) this songs good for murder too though !! And I love this song .. And I was browsing music Q's . Sometimes you don't always have to have Jazz ... Especially cos I don't like it.
Personally, I find that Guano Padano's music is perfect soundtrack material because it's jazzy and dark, while also having a swank elevator vibe. Lynch and One Man Bank are good ones - they kind of remind me of Zed's Dead from Pulp Fic - but it depends on the nature of your murder scene. Hope you find something.