
What gives you more pleasure: music, games or movies?


8 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Music. It is a universal language, even when you don't understand the lyrics.

Nealious James Profile
Nealious James answered

Hello! It will definitely have to be games! I have to play for about 30 minutes every day and recently, this Harissapp release: is what I have been interested in. I enjoy it on my iOS smartphones and tablets; it’s ideal for raw entertainment on the go! Sadly, it’s not yet on and if you have an Android device, you will simply have to wait a little long before you can get it. Another title that I am really fond of is’s Mortal Kombat X. Exceptional graphics and action is what you will get from this great pastime. You might want to check it out here: . Hope this helps and do enjoy your free time!

Goaty McSheepson Profile

In order of most to least:

Music is more widely accessible than the others, I feel, and an emotional outlet.

Games I enjoy, as a way of creation and adventure, and there's that feeling of satisfaction when a level or level is completed.

Movies can be a nice way to relax (eg a musical) or excite (eg horror), if that's what you like.

The most pleasure, probably, that any of these things can give you is when you can share them with people (in a positive way of course). For example, my one of best friends and I are able to share music, it was one of the ways we first properly "clicked" as people- I love it when I can share music with people I like.

Another example: I was discussing Skyrim on the bus the other day with a friend, and we were joined by a pair of people our age.

Movies, another point of discussion, I watched neon demon with a bunch of mates (note- there were more than a few places in that film where I was like Why am I watching this? ... What are we watching?

... Groooss
) but now it's something I can talk to them about!

Music, games, and movies. Fantastic.

Zander Dreyer Profile
Zander Dreyer answered


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