
Should Song Lyrics Have A Rating System?


3 Answers

wilbert u can call me sue Profile
I remember in the eighties when they started to have ratings and warnings  for music, all it did was increased sales.  Better just to check section of music, and be the judge.  A lot of modern rap and heavy speed metal contain coarse language as do punk music
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No beacuse we parents can't control what kids listen to. If we told them they couldn't listen to it there not going to listen. Theres no way you could bann it either, because wether you bann it at your house its still gunna play on the radio? So how are you gunna bann it then? Face it you sholud just let your kids listen to it, there gunna hear that one way or another. Wether it'd be from friends or radio, or just anywhere.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yeah they should because some of the lyrics can be wrong and in some cases that can be vital to make sure they are right or they have devastating outcomes

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