It’s actually really easy to find a song if you don’t know all the lyrics – just type what you do know into a search engine with quotation marks either side “like this” and then write “lyrics” after it.
The quotation marks mean that the search engine will only look for those words in that exact order, so make sure you spell them all right!
If you don’t put the quotation marks, you’ll probably end up with a lot of results that aren’t what you’re looking for.
Adding “lyrics” to the end will just narrow the results down even further, and means that the results will probably come back with dedicated song lyric websites. This should exclude things like people quoting bits of the song on their blog, and will make it easier for you to find the lyrics to the song.
If there’s more than one song with that particular line in it, try searching up each of the songs up on YouTube and have a listen – one of them is bound to be what you’re looking for!
The quotation marks mean that the search engine will only look for those words in that exact order, so make sure you spell them all right!
If you don’t put the quotation marks, you’ll probably end up with a lot of results that aren’t what you’re looking for.
Adding “lyrics” to the end will just narrow the results down even further, and means that the results will probably come back with dedicated song lyric websites. This should exclude things like people quoting bits of the song on their blog, and will make it easier for you to find the lyrics to the song.
If there’s more than one song with that particular line in it, try searching up each of the songs up on YouTube and have a listen – one of them is bound to be what you’re looking for!