What Is The Title Of The Song Which Contains The Lyrics: 'I Have Been Around The World Looking For That Perfect Girl'?


3 Answers

Lucy Burroughs Profile
Lucy Burroughs answered
I think the song you're looking for is Southern Cross by the rock band Crosby, Stills and Nash. The lyrics for the chorus are as follows:
Think about how many times I have fallen. Spirits are using me, larger voices calling.
What heaven brought you and me cannot be forgotten.
I have been around the world, looking for that woman-girl who knows love can endure.
And you know it will, and you know it will.
Southern Cross was released in 1982 from the album Daylight Again and reached number 18 in the charts. It tells the story of a man pursuing a failed love affair, and, according to Stills (who wrote the song), is "about using the power of the universe to heal your wounds."
Alternatively, you could be thinking of Perfect Girl by Vandavanda.
VandaVanda is a Belgium pop-group that originated from a TV music competition in 2001.
The lyrics for Perfect Girl go like this:
There's nothing i wouldn't do
To look in her eyes of blue
Been all around the world
Looking for the perfect girl
However, it's very unlikely you'll have heard of this song unless you live in Belgium, as the band are completely unknown elsewhere in the world.
Ellie Hoe Profile
Ellie Hoe answered

The title of this song is "Perfect Girl" by Vandavanda. It is a lovely song and if you want to have a complete correct lyrics then checkout the following site. You can also get a free ring tone from this site just for free.[Perfect Girl.]( "")enjoy :)

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I found out that it was Southern Cross by Crosby, Steels and Nash.

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