Hey kelly can you give me your number
I don't know but shes HOT
Can some body give me her number
I'm your best fan Barbara c. Blank aka kelly kelly
I know what it is but I can not tell it to you guys but I can tell you guys that there is a book that tells you what all the divas numbers are
I don't know but she is the sexiest woman in the world.
Kelly can I have your number
I need kelly kelly phone number
I don't have it but I promise not to give it to nobody I promise to kelly kelly and she has a nice and sex body all over her is sexy that why I anted her her number
I don't know but when I went to wwe she was standing 5 seats away from me and my friend (HOW COOL)ah
Go on myspace and become her friend then go into her profile and go to call her number is there I'm waiting for her to log on
Could I get your phone number to call you kelly kelly the miss of miss .kelly kelly for free kelly I will call you every day kelly I know you not in raw you are in smackdown I mis you so much kelly .
I don't know what kelly kelly phone number is but she is smoking hot if any body know it put it on blurtit and I will call it for you and I will tell you what happened
4377283. I'm serious
I have it she doesn't want you all to have it