How Do Independent Film Makers Raise Money To Produce Films And If The Films Are Short Ones, How Do They Produce Revenue?


2 Answers

Mark Williams Profile
Mark Williams answered
The formal way to raise money is to make a 14 page proposal: A short synopsis of the story (including the ending), a budget, the backgrounds of the people making the movie and a time line, and how any income from selling the movie will be distributed--who gets what percentage when.

Sometimes people make a short trailer and a website for the movie they are planning.

Then everyone involved in the movie makes a list of people they want to ask for money. You send each person on the list the fourteen pages and a letter saying you are going to ask them for money. You call and ask for an appointment. You meet and ask for a specific amount.

Another way to raise money is product placement. You go to a handbag retail business and ask them to sponsor your film if you will use one of their handbags in the film. Then you do furniture, clothing, vehicles, cell phones, etc.

A unique way of raising money was tried by the makers of Four Eyed Monsters, the first YouTube feature film. They contracted with YouTube to place their movie online and YouTube sold banner ads next to the film space on the page. They raised $50K that way.

Another way to raise money is to borrow the money using credit cards, then travel around with the movie showing it at various art movie houses. Four Eyed Monsters made $50K that way also.

The best way to raise money for an independent film is to not need to spend money in the first place. I have a friend who made a feature length film for $2500 (not including camera and lights). The actors agreed to act for free or for a percentage of profits. Everyone who helped with the film volunteered. People get so excited about film projects that many people will volunteer for free. The most expensive item sometimes is food.

A novel way to finance an independent film is to charge people money to participate in the film. Each person who owns and works on the film has to pay $2500. After all their blood, sweat and tears, at the end of the project they get a producer credit in the film, and they own a percentage of any profits that the film makes.

If this sounds daunting, think of one of your friends who enjoys talking to people, or who could sell anything. Get that person to help you come up with a proposal and start the fundraising process.
Carolyn Jones Profile
Carolyn Jones answered
A lot of independent film makers don't make any money!
The main way to make money out of filmaking is by selling it - onscreen or on dvd etc. However, getting the films noticed and accepted by a distributor is a tricky business. There also isn't much of a market for short films.

Most raise their money personally. Either by saving over time or taking out personal loans against their project. Obviously this isn't ideal - as you will probably end up out of pocket.

There are a number of funding bodies which support independant filmakers and offer grants for projects. But again these are few and far between. You have to have a strong application and a good knowledge of what you are doing. Organisations like Scottish Screen, the UK Film Council and Film4 all offer schemes and grants for filmakers - check their websites regularly for deadlines.

If you are savvy you could get funding or sponsorship from larger companies. Be aware that they will expect something in return eg. advertising, return, use of your services etc. If approaching another company, make sure you know what you can offer them!

Many filmakers make money by selling their films online - either by paid download or selling their dvd on their website. This does take some creative marketing!

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