
How To Play The Climb On The Keyboard?


7 Answers

Katherine Cowell Profile
Well I know part of it!

# means black keys

G# G# G# B E B G# G# B F# E B C# C# C# B B A A B E E B C# B G# G# G# B E B G# G# B F# E B C# C# C# B B A C# C# B B A
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
With your fingers and the keyboard
Sydney Lois X Profile
Sydney Lois X answered
I can't read music I don't think people r being lazy when the ask it probs because they can't read...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well guys what you do is is lissen to the song then you keep trying to play it thats how I learnt how to play it now I play and sing at the saytime it was har at first ut noe I'm good  at it xx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Gflat Gflat B E B Gflat Gflat Gflat B Ffalt EB Cflat Cflat Cflat B B AA EE B Cflat B Gflat Gflat Gflat B Fflat EB Cflat Cflat Cflat B B A A E E B Cflat B sorrii the girl on the video took 2 long so I could be bothered to write emx

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