Unfortunately, I have been unable to find a free copy of "Buglers Dream" for the trombone, and some are very expensive. The cheapest one I found is at http://www.musicnotes.com/sheetmusic/mtdFPE.asp?ppn=MN0130271&
This one costs £1.84 (approximately $2.95) so isn't too expensive hopefully.
"Buglers Dream" was composed by Leo Arnaud and was/is used by televison networks in the US as a theme tune for the Olympic Games.
Arnaud was a French born composer (1904) who moved to the United States in 1931. As well as composing, he played in orchestras as a jazz trombonist. He died in 1991 at the age of 86 and is buried in North Carolina.
The trombone is an instrument that has always fascinated me as I just can't work out how to actually play it. In theory it looks simple, but how do you know you are playing the right note? I guess it's a case of trial and error, as you get better you will know the sound of the note, but it must be a very difficult instrument for the beginner.
Other instruments, like the trumpet, flute, clarinet etc. Have set ways of playing each note (by covering certain holes or pressing specific buttons). The trombone, on the other hand, just slides and it looks a bit of a guessing game to the uninitiated.