You will be able to find movies in 18 different genres on this site, so you can be sure that you will find something that you like. You can browse them and then watch the one that you have chosen immediately, without any buffering. If you want to, you can also write reviews and become involved with the online community, which is a good way of chatting to other movie buffs. Another advantage of this site is that if you install HD player, you will also be able to watch your movies in HD.
If you want to download movies from another source and you want to overcome the buffering problem then try waiting for the video to load completely before you start to watch it. This is because buffering is caused by the video playing faster than it is loading. An alternative is to save the movie to your computer and then to watch it.
If you don't want to download movies, but just want to watch them without buffering, then you will need to check out your Internet connection speed. It is hard to be precise as to what speed you will need because different videos have different needs. Flash movies like the ones that you will find on YouTube need the least speed, while DivX movies, which can be found on Veoh, need a much faster speed. The rule of thumb is that the better the quality, the higher the resolution, and the larger the file the higher the connection speed. To be on the safe side, you will need a minimum of 1000kbps speed.