
What Is The Movie Orphan About?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The movie Orphan is about a couple with a troubled relationship because of the lost of their unborn child, who decide to adopt a child. When they get their they meet a little nine your old girl named Esther. The women says she's really mature for her age. And the couple are drawn to her. But as soon as they get home and settled strang events start to happen, Esther freaks out, and starts to kill people. The mother cheeks the Orphanage that she supposedly came from but they never heard of her. So the mother tries to convince her husband and kids before it's too late
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Orphan is about a couple named Kate and John who have a miscarriage, in result of that they decide to adopt a child, this childs name was Esther who is no mere little girl. It turns out she is a killer who is misunderstood for a nine year old girl although in the film she is actually a 33 year old woman. She doesn't deal with her problems in a good way because all she wants is to find love and the perfect life and she can't have that, so in result she kills people.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Orphan Is about a couple name Kate and John who has a troubeld relationship. Then they meet a little nine year old girl name "Esther". Suddenly Esther freaks out. And when little well so called little Esther freakes out, there is never a good result on how " Esther handels things". I think we all know what that means! SHE STARTS TO KILL PEOPLE. While the mother and wife of John tries to convince her husband and kids before it's there turn and it's TOO LATE!..

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Orphan is about a girl who wants to have sex with her father
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This couple lost an unborn child so they decided to adopt another child. They adopted a nine year old girl names "ester". She acts at first very nice and she turns into A mean mean person. Kills people and tortures her sis and bro! THIS IS AN AWESOME MOVIE (:

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