
Im 11 And Bored What Should I Do?


13 Answers

Jared Williams Profile
Jared Williams answered

Do something productive with your life and read a book. And concentrate on your school work!

Mati green Profile
Mati green answered
Clean your room, do the dishes, vacuum, read a book, walk your dog... Bathe the dog, brush the cat, take out the trash, sweep the garage floor, pick up the yard, draw a picture... Or 12 pictures. Ride your bike, write a story, or a poem, listen to music.. Play some music. Call a friend on the phone. Call you're Grandmother... Or an aunt or uncle that you havent talked to in a while. Call your parents and ask if you can go to a friends house or if a friend can come over. Anything other than hanging out in a public forum online with strangers.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What I say is to SHUT UP! Sorry, its just when I say that my parents make me do the dishes or clean my room. So I would stay quiet...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Me too D: Just search THE IDIOT TEST on tinternet and play that for a while.
mariah kerry Profile
mariah kerry answered
Read a book or start some hobbies. Do something bc kids get into trouble when their bored
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Listen to your JLS album sing along and dance ,watch JLS on t.v ,read the jls book,fill in your JLS calander, fall asleep and admire your JLS posters
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If your in the car listen to poker face thats what I would do if your at home go in your room  clean it up and move some things out of the way and just dance to lady gaga or the black eyed peas thats what I would do
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I had got on and played with my avatar because them lame answer said clean work work work well get on meez earn coins and get a gf or a bf
John Profile
John answered
You know what john hagee says, if I was bored my mom could always find something for me to do around the house like clean your room,take out the trash,rake the yard,trim the bushes,cut the grass,do the laundry,bath the dog,do the dishes,clean the garage,clean the basement,mop the floors,sweep the floors,vacuum the rugs,is that enough yet or do you need more to do,are you still bored.

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