According to the Internet Movie Database, Arnold Schwarzenegger has starred in a total of 43 films to date.
Born July 30 1947 in Thal, Austria, Arnold Schwarzenegger is an actor, bodybuilder and Republican politician, and is currently serving as the 38th Governer of California. He was elected on October 7 2003, in a special recall election.
In his early days, Arnold was a higly-successful body-builder, and later gained worldwide fame as a Hollywood action film star. He is best known for his role in 'The Terminator'. His other famous films include Predator, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, True Lies, Kindergarton Cop, Total Recall, Junior, Jingle All The Way and Conan the Barbarian, which was his Hollywood breakthrough film, and followed by a sequel, Conan The Destroyer. His accent is perhaps one of his main features, and he retains a stong Austrian accent in his speech, even in roles which do not call for such an accent.