What a god awful question! Of course he wasnt. He would never have done that to a child, If Michael were alive to read this question, he would have dragged you into court by your testicles and would have sued you for every penny you had. I imagine he would have also demanded to the judge that you be publicly tied to a stake and flogged. In fact he would of asked the judge if he could be the one to do the flogging! He hated violence and cruelty but in your case he would have probably have made an exception!
I`m sorry to be rude, But you obviously have not got a clue what you are talking about. When was Michael ever accused of raping children? Never to my knowledge. Ok Michael was accused of sexual abuse and found not guilty, But rape is a totally different crime altogether. Michael did not have full on sex with children, Sexual abuse is touching and fondling etc, Not penetration. To say Michael was a rapist is wrong, Michael did nothing sexual to a child, He would never of done that. You should get your facts right before asking disgusting questions like that. Michael was a child rapist, How ridiculous he would never of raped a child ever.
Michael was not a rapist! I however am still undecided whethet he was a child molester, but he was never accussed of rape. The definition of rape is to perform sexual intercourse on someone againt their will. None of the alleged victims said Michael did anything to them by force. He may of done some dreadful things, now he has passed we probably will never know the truth, but one thing is for certain, and that is Michael did not hold children down and rape them. Child molester maybe but rapist never. How would he of managed to rape a child at Neverland and not be heard? Do you not think the child would have screamed the place down ? And no he didnt tie them down and gag them so don't even try to go there!
Yes he raped little boys but it is surprising he didnt try to rape his son.