Yes he did get his girlfriend pregnant
He didnt
Heck no! You can't do that kinda stuff until you're married and over 18 years of age!! Justin is 16 years old and he still lives with his mom and family and stuff!! You can't get married until you're 18 and over and Justin is under 18 years old!! So no he has never made a girl pregnant before!! Get your facts right!!
No its just rumors and sumetimes the internet lies so don't believe what others say and the internet
Oh my god!!!! You jerks whoever put that on is such a jerk!! Y wud you do that to him! Hes a good kid!!!!!
No he didnt, hes a christain and doesnt believe in sex before marriage :L
I will always luv justin bieber no matter what he is so cute and this is some stupid crape and no he didnt
Justin will do no thing like he is very responsible and he is very HOT at the same time so dreamers keep dreaming
Justin Bieber is a christian and he would never do that,and whever thinks he did is just stupid.
No he wouldnt not now hes only a teenager people and hes sooo cute xx
I wish I was justin girlfriend and we got married and had babies I am 15 years old.
Noo he did not noone mentioned it when he went on the shows he is only a teenager he is not that kind of person if he did it would be in the paper. And he broke up with his girlfreind so no not realy x
Yes by kaitlyn
Well how could he get a girl pregnant because he is a boy and when it is born he will not be ready to look after a baby. And I wish I could be pregnant with justin now
Justin I love you ! So much ! Really I want to marry with you please I am just 16 years old! I want to kiss you!