
What Is Kendall Schmidt's Cell Number, Email, And Address?


1 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Kendall Schmidt's cell phone number, email, and address are not available online. However, he has Facebook and Twitter pages that he uses to interact with his fans. Kendall Schmidt, who is a Scorpio born in 1990, is one of the starts of Big Time Rush - a popular television program that appears to look like reality TV, even though it is really a scripted TV show.

Kendall Schmidt's Facebook Address
Kendall Schmidt's Twitter Address!/HeffronDrive
These social networking addresses are the perfect ways to make contact with television star Kendall Schmidt, who has become quite famous since he first appeared on Big Time Rush. By following his Twitter and asking to be added to his Facebook friends, you can find out exactly what this celebrity teen hunk is up to, every day of the week. Typical Facebook and Twitter updates will be casual greetings and shout-outs to fans - celebs usually also give some indication of where they will be and what they are currently doing. If you want to meet Kendall at a fan event or other large event, following him on Twitter or Facebook can be a great way to keep abreast of future get-togethers in your area.

Kendall is based in California, like many young Hollywood actors. Many girls who are fans of Kendall wonder who he is dating, and whether or not they have a chance of dating him. Sometimes, fans may go too far when they make contact with a celebrity online, and embarrass the star with their questions or comments. If you contact Kendall via Twitter or Facebook, remember to be polite, respectful, and kind. Play it cool and hope that he will add you as a friend on Facebook, or follow you on Twitter. If you're lucky, you'll have a great way to get to know him over the Internet.

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