Not really. Life is cruel. So is humanity. The person you NEED to live with and love with all your heart knowing you can lose them the next day or even right now or they can turn out to be a huge *BLEEP* and betray you. I'm not one to need people. I've lost a lot of people in my life and I've always been cold hearted and pretended to feel sorrow and emotions. Never actually cried. I accept that. I find it very easy to move on from losing people. There are some people who I love as everyone does. But if you're dying desperately for a shoulder to cry on since you're lonely, I doubt you're very lucky. Maybe there's a different meaning to this or something?? I don't get it.
"People who need people are the luckiest people in the world." So sang Barbra Streisand, but is it true? What do you think?
Since, I have been force to be alone, I now know I only need the bare few basics and TV :)
Barbara was singing to make money.
I know for sure it is true :) I really really really went through a phase in my life when I wanted to not need anyone ... I wanted to want to be alone and I thought I deserved to be .... I'm a very social person so despite my wanting to impose self misery on myself I just couldn't ... I'm very good at pulling people in when I need them ..and .do need them :) ... I Make my luck :) I don't care for Barbara music though ... I like this one instead :)
I LIKE people but I don't NEED them. It would be a lonely existence without other people to interact with though.
I would say this is true, especially in this loveless world in which we live in. This is ever true of the elderly. I personally experience that when I show expression of affection toward them it really make a difference! Furthermore, our affection shows respect for their dignity. It can also be rewarding when our affection are expressed toward those who worried, depressed, or insecure.
We have people here who talk about the unnecessary "need" of others in their lives. I could easily say that too because half of my life already been down to that path. But i'm going to approach this from a different perspective.
I believe the world is like a puzzle and every single person together creates the final image. Therefore, we all need each other at the end of the day. This is the perspective.
Your fridge is empty. You need a market man to buy your required products from.
Your house is broken, you need a contractor to fix it for you.
You get sick, you "need" a doctor to fix you.
You're out of money, you "need" someone to hire you and they can easily not do that despite your knowledge.
You have a talent, you "need" someone's favor and investment to give you the opportunity to show your talent and prove yourself.
Societies around the world constantly need "farmers" . We need banks and it's people. We need businessman, producers and companies. We need scientists, researchers. Where all these technologies came from that makes our life super comfortable?
We need policeman, fireman, nurses and our workers communities.
We need each other.
Streisand made a mint on that song, but honestly, I think the entire sentiment is wrong, even backward. I can't think of many advantages to being needy, I think it's a more fortunate position to BE NEEDED.
The luckiest people, in my opinion, are the ones who already have all they need, and can share it with others. Just saying.
I have a slightly different perspective ..
I think we as human beings are much like any other socially dependant animal. It's in our nature to 'need' others. Our survival as individuals and as a community depends on it.
Much like animals, we come into the world needing the care and protection of a parent, as well as the care and protection of an entire pack. As we age and grow, we, as members of a community become contributors by becoming the protectors as well as being the protected. We not only grow and develop in a physical sense .. But an emotion sense. We are a species that developmentally depends on something else other than food and protection .. We, because we are emotional beings, also depend much on love. Anyone who is devoid of the ability to love is mentally and emotionally 'damaged' .. There's even terms for it .. a form of antisocialism like a sociopath or psychopath.
So .. As much as you'd like to think you don't 'need' anyone, as a human being that maybe be a little distorted. We all know what happens to people (and even animals) who are isolated without any contact with others .. It actually has a very detrimental affect on the brain .. It makes you crazy .. Litterally.I know people would like to think they don't 'need' anyone to love or to love them .. They only 'like' having someone to love, because it supports their ability to 'choose' the someone .. The truth is .. Yes, you do have the ability to choose the 'who' but from a very fundamental level you don't have a choice on whether or not you need to be loved.