
Who Invented The Drum (Musical Instrument)?


9 Answers

Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
The oldest known drums are from 6000 BC. I had this answered with some text, I didn't realize that I duplicated it. Lol So I have to resubmit this answer. Sorry about that.  If you like, you can go to and read more about it. Hope this helps.
Amman Aamir Profile
Amman Aamir answered
Unlike other musical instruments, which came into being as the result of the work of one individual or several individuals, the drum has been in existence since the time of earliest man.
Different kinds of drums have been used all over the world by the most primitive men, many of them races that long ago disappeared from the earth.
It is likely that the drum was first used as a means of calling together the scattered members of a tribe. It was a kind of war signal. In time, the drum became part of the music that primitive peoples used in their battles with "evil spirits". It had a religious significance to these primitive people, And since so many of their ceremonies involved dances, the drum furnished a perfect accompaniment.
Primitive people used drums made of various materials. Some were hollow tree trunks with animal skins stretched over them. Bamboo drums were made of long sections of the hollow reed, slit 'and beaten with sticks. Some people used to beat their own bodies on the ground to produce a drum like sound!
Drums were commonly used by the ancient Egyptians. The typical Egyptian drum was small and was carried about in the hand. The ancient Hebrews also had drums, 'which were a sort of tambourine, sometimes beaten with the hand and sometimes with a stick. The Chinese and Japanese, too, have had drums from the earliest times.
The American Red Indians not only used the drum to send messages and to mark time for their dances, but they used drums to predict the weather. When rainy weather approached, the skins that covered their drums would become taut.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think the first drums were made in what is today's Iraq some 5000-8000 years ago Well drums have been around since well like the b.c.'s . So basically the drum was invented by many people. But lets focus on the Standard Drum since I am sure that is what you are looking for. Lets focus on the Drum set.

In the late 1300s a man named Deshawn Block made the Instrument that we now call the drums.
The original drums were made in b.c no one knows when or who made it .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Why is the history of the drum so fuzzy? I've looked on a few dozen websites and none of them clearly say where it's from. We understand it comes from many different places, but where was the oldest drum found? I mean c'mon now. And I'm tired of the history of the drum starting at war. Why is that? I'm sure before the drum people heard rhythm everywhere, from nature. Why wouldn't we emulate that? Maybe the drum came from love and the celebration of life. I guess it's cause we have to paint humans as evil, and we have to continuously deny humanity's African origins. What the heck?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You are all wrong over 10thousand years ago it was invented by the indians and is still in use it was a symbol of war, and rituals or celebrations
Marcel Profile
Marcel answered
Nobody can say for certain where drums first came from. It is strongly thought that they originated in Africa and were used by tribes people in siritual rituals, and exocize demons and so on.

Today the drums have developed and we now have pop drumming, jazz drumming, <a href="">rock drumming system</a>, funk drumming system and a range of other styles.

I personally believe that the drums didn't just come from one place and then spread to the rest of the world. I think they would have been developed by many cizilizations at one time or another.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find any drum history or drum notation history apart from "The drum is old".

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