
When Did Justin Bieber Have His First Kiss?


20 Answers

Kry'Shell Mitchell Profile
He had his first kiss at 13, with his friend christian beatles sister caitlin beatles, and I think it was at a dance.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think his first kiss was when he was 13. He kissed Caitlin Beadles
ashley  t Profile
ashley t answered
13 yr old
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1999 with a girl named Shakier
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I actually know justin ive met him before he was famous and he had his first kiss at 13 yes in 7th grade
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You guys are all dumb!!! He DID NOT KISS ANY OF YOU!
You guys are not famous so get over it!!! Everyone says I love him but you only say that because hes hot and sexy looking. WELL NEWSFLASH he is just a normal guy like you and me. So next time you say I KISSED Justin Bieber remember one thing hes a somebody and you are a nobody!!! Sorry to break your hearts but Justin would probably NEVER and I mean NEVER ever talk to you!1 So just be true and do lie like your so hot and you could hook up with him because you can't! And I'm probably never going to meet him so don't worry!!(:
- Justin you rock and remember you are a real person don't let anyone not say you are not. (=
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey just stop it because he loves me and I mete him when he was 12 so stop it now dorks bye you guys are so dump he loves me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He was 13 and in 7th grade, it was a school dance and the song playing was "how to save a life" by The Fray. He made the first move. This is all true!
By the way he did not kiss Caitlin Beadles.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Will everyone just shut up!!
''he kissed me first''
''he kissed me first'' obviously can't be all of you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You guys are all stupid and by the way the one about the apple tree in the garden is gay! This ain't no fairytale!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god!!!!...he dident kiss any of you!!!...we all love him and want it to happen but it won't!!...he was. 13 and in 7th grade. ILY Justin!!:)))
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I love jb I no he was 13 and in 7 it is a fact I liy jb and stop evey one whonts him but noone can have him ily I miss him but I no that nooen that is texeing nos him

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