I don't know about you but My Mom Knows this R&B Producer in New York. And he's going to sign me and my sister. Because we are very good singers. I will give you the number if your interested.
I can you the number if wana be famous cause I went to a new york studio and I'm getting signed by the owner of it, and hopefully ill get in, if you guys want the number, ill give it you guys.
Follow your dreams! What you do is you type it in google and there will b lots of auditions you can choose from!
go to google than type in how do you become a singer than just register they acwally call it works I also know ppl who did it and r in or going in movies n shows soon
- Youtube. Get noticed by convincing people to go on your channel, sending messages and asking people to subscribe. Then you'll be featured and possibly get a chance.
- Go on a tv show. If you say your not brave enough whats the point of being a singer anyway? Because when you do become famous your going to be performing at a concert with millions of fans.
- Advertisements in newspapers. Usually producers would want someone to go on a reality TV show or a studio, Like Miley Cyrus started to start auditioning.
I don't know. I want to be a singer, but I'm so young! I wish someone would discover me
Don't be scared just sing and thats it.
I really want to be a singer I want someone to discover me.
I need the #! Post it as a comment
I could ask someone to put me in a studio and start singing and doing my thang.But maybe when I get older I might be one of the greatest and have a record deal and become famous someday.
All you half to do is find out wt you are good at find your closest recording studio make a reservation and sing show the world wt you are good at.!!!
Hey, I'm 24 years old and I always wanted to become a singer.. What do I have to do to get there??
Hey I'm 13 and ive always wanted 2 be a singer but I don't know how to. Is it possible 2 go 2 a recording studio and sing for somebody just to see if I'm good enough????
I am a girl at school I have a a little bit of friends I really want to sing and rap I need to be discovered by some one.
You can go at a singing lesson.. And if you really know how to sing high notes,, You can post some videos at Youtube.. :))
All you have to do is to make inventations at your neighborhood and tell them you are going to perform tonight ather that make a stage hang baloons and everything and when that time come you know your ready to rock out on stage.
Me and my cousin are REALLY good at singing, and we are trying to get ''discovered''. Our grandmother is trying to get us on 'americas got talent' but it might not work out.... Should we do it? Because I feel like we probably don't have a very good chance of making it, even though we are good at singing.
I am Blythe and my friends Daphne and Alissa sing really good together so please send back.
Oh my god I have a good singing voice I just want to be a singer with my sisters and my one brother we made this song together and were going to perform at Church Street School hamden Ct and its going to be one of these months
Right.I want to be a singer too.how do you get someone to discover you.its just crazy how many years I wanted to be a disney singer.